Company Profile
Charter of Corporate Behavior home>Charter of Corporate Behavior

 We KYUHEN group aims at developing by trust from employee with area, society as base of business, the source of growth customer and local all of you, everyone, of stockholder, everyone, of business partner.

 At the same time, we respect human rights either domestic or foreign and develop a business as a group to contribute to creation of a convenient and comfortable society.

 With high sensitivity for the social situation change, we pour maximum effort into promotion of thorough and CSR management of compliance based on the following principles to make trust from all of you strong.

1.Creation of customer satisfaction

We offer valuable products, service in response to needs and problem of customer safely and surely and create satisfaction of customer.

2.Pursuit of security, relief

We carry out safety measures of facilities thoroughly and give a polite explanation to local all of you and find labor security hygiene of work worker and perform operation that gave top priority to security, relief.

3.Eco-friendly company activity

We develop maintenance of global environment and approach for symbiosis with local environment and contribute to realization of sustainable society.

4.Business administration that is fair with faithfulness

We secure transparency in all operation and perform competition free justly and appropriate business and keep politics, healthy, normal relations with administration and run faithful, fair business.

5.Sincere communication with society

We disclose information quickly and perform communication activity that focused on talks with customer and local all of you widely and it is sincere and takes the voice and makes use in business administration.

6.Symbiosis with area, society

Through operation and Contribution to Social activity, we contribute to problem solution to area, society and develop together.

7.The making of workplace with respect for human rights, job satisfaction

We respect human rights of all people concerned with operation. In addition, for employee, we perform the cause of fair evaluation, personnel training, utilization positively, and various personnels maintain display tekiru workplace environment with maximum ability.

8.Cooperation with international community

In deference to not only observing international rule and local law but also each country, culture and custom of area, we perform operation to contribute to local development.

9.Legal compliance

We observe laws and ordinances and rule and do not perform act to give loss in society and act to trouble. In addition, we confront order of civil society and antisocial power giving threat safely determinedly.

10.Duty of realization and top management of mind of this charter

Top management recognizes realization of mind of this charter as own role and, after setting an example, plans enforcement in office and maintains the effective system. In addition, we urge realization of mind of this charter on business partners. After cause investigation, we take prompt corrective action on agreeing, and all departments cooperating, and solving the problem when situation that is against this charter occurs and plan prevention of recurrence and perform fair disposal including top management.